

Created by Limithron

A scurvy ridden, rules light, art heavy RPG based on Mörk Borg. Inspired by history, fantasy, horror, & rum.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pirate Borg November Update
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Nov 05, 2022 at 11:16:46 AM


  • All books, zines, maps, and character sheets are printed and on the way to the warehouse.
  • Playing cards are just now going into production.
  • We will lock addresses mid-December.
  • Due to shipping times and the holidays, we expect fulfillment will not start until December or January for EU/UK backers and not until January for US backers.
  • We will be at PAX Unplugged (Philadelphia, PA, Dec 2-4) with a limited inventory. Backers that are at PAX U will be able to buy an extra copy of the core book at the backer price. We need a few more GMs.
  • The 5th Edition Foundry Module is in final testing, and the Roll20 modules are about 60% done.


Check out these production photos & videos. WE ARE SO EXCITED!

The Core Book
Book Back, Dark Caribbean Map With Every Copy
Limited Edition
Character Sheets
Dark Caribbean/Black Coral Bay Maps
A Pallet of Pirate Borg
A Lot of Covers

Playing Cards

The cards have just gone into production. We expect them to take about 6 weeks to be complete and then air shipping will take another week or so. We tried hard to make them as high quality as possible, and have paid extra to put them in a double-deck tuck box. I also refused to cut cards from the list and we ended up with 128 cards in total. Here is a preview of the box:

Locking Addresses

We still have about a month and a half until we lock addresses. We will wait as long as possible in case people move. Look for an email in December.

Shipping Timeline

Due to shipping times and the holidays, we expect fulfillment will not start until December or January for EU/UK backers and not until January for US backers. Trust us, we are just as unhappy about it as you. PIRATE BORG would make a great Christmas present.

PAX Unplugged

Render of Our PAX U Booth

Our first proper booth! We’ll be at PAX Unplugged in Philadelphia, December 2nd - 4th. Our booth is #3451, on the same “island” as Free League Publishing. We’ll have demo tables, one for trying out melee combat and another for demoing both Pirate Borg naval combat and Limithron’s Guide to Naval Combat for 5th Edition. We also have a dedicated PIRATE BORG table in the RPG Library, and we’ll be running free 2 hour sessions all con long! Come to our booth to sign up for a game.

We will also have a limited number of PIRATE BORG copies for sale, including 25 signed and numbered “RELIC” copies of the Limited Edition.

We could use a few more volunteers to GM 2 hour demos at PAX U. If you will be at the con and are interested, please email [email protected]. We will have GM swag for those that do run games!

A Note on PAX U

We expected to have the books by now, and we had purchased our booth months ago before we knew the final timeline. In order to avoid losing a ton of money, we made the difficult decision to air freight around 200 books and a few add-ons for the con.

We know it's incredibly frustrating to see people at a convention walk away with a book you helped Kickstart while you are still waiting on your copy in the mail. To help the pain of this, if you are a Kickstarter backer, you will be able to buy an extra copy of the core book at the booth for the Kickstarter Price. We know it's not a perfect solution, and as much as we’d love to let you guys just pick up your KS rewards in person, it’s just not possible.

Final Digital Rewards

The 5th Edition Foundry Module is in final testing.

The Roll20 modules (5th Edition and Pirate Borg) are about 60% done.

Both should be done before you get your physical books.

Friends Kickstarters Running now!

DM Dave's Gamemaster's Survival Guide

Castaway, a Mörk Borg hack that strands you on an island!

about 2 years ago – Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 08:52:26 PM

ARRRR! Hoist the colours! Today be the day, me hearties! ‘Tis International Talk Like A Pirate Day and the PIRATE BORG digital release day!

Free League Publishing

Free League Publishing to Publish PIRATE BORG

PIRATE BORG is being published! We are proud to announce that Limithron has partnered with Free League Publishing, makers of Alien RPG, The Lord of the Rings RPG, Blade Runner RPG, and of course, Mörk Borg. This is very good news. The game will be available in stores around the world sometime early next year.

Foundry VTT

Foundry VTT Module and Game System Are Live!

v1 of the Foundry VTT Premium Module is out now. It is AWESOME. All 90+ tables are configured as roll tables or macros, every map has a scene, we’ve made art handouts and tokens for monsters, ships, and NPCs, and naval combat is fully integrated. It works in tandem with the free PIRATE BORG Game System, which is free to all Foundry users. We promise you haven’t seen a Foundry experience like this yet.

Alchemy RPG

PIRATE BORG for Alchemy RPG Drops Tomorrow

PIRATE BORG for Alchemy RPG is out tomorrow. It is also AWESOME. The Alchemy RPG team have done a tremendous job turning all of the art in the book into a stunning visual experience. The best part is it’s FREE to anyone that backed or preordered a physical book, and the platform is also free, so you really have no excuse to not check it out. Access codes are coming tomorrow, so look to the horizon the mail boat.


Over 30 Upcoming Pirate Borg Games

We’ve partnered with for a special week long event where you can find professional GMs to run a game of Pirate Borg for you and your friends, or come solo and meet new people! Use this link to get $10 off you first game.

Digital Release & Rewards

The following digital rewards have been sent out via BackerKit:

  • PIRATE BORG PDFs (single page + spreads, player version)
  • Assets pack (art, tokens, maps)
  • Digital Playing Cards (card fronts and backs PNGs, printable PDF)
  • Limithron Map Pack ZIP (links via BackerKit)
  • Foundry VTT PIRATE BORG Premium module
  • Foundry VTT Limithron Map Pack module
  • Limithron’s Guide to Naval Combat module
  • Limithron’s Guide to Naval Combat PDF + ZIP
  • Alchemy RPG codes for every backer and preorder

These rewards have NOT been sent and are still underdevelopment:

  • PIRATE BORG 5e Stat Zine PDF
  • PIRATE BORG 5e Foundry Module
  • PIRATE BORG for Roll20
  • PIRATE BORG 5e for Roll20


  • The book is being printed as we speak. We are hoping to have it in the warehouse in late November. Shipping and customs are our biggest hurdles. If you know any rituals that might help, now is the time to cast them.
  • PDFs will be delivered via DriveThruRPG once all of the projects are complete (a few more months, most likely by the time the books start arriving).

More booty soon™, mateys!

May the winds fill your sails and your cup be filled with ale!

Pledge Manager Closes June 30th & Lots of news!
over 2 years ago – Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 06:34:48 AM


We are locking BackerKit orders and charging cards on June 30th!

This means a few things:

1. If you haven't completed your survey, you need to do it in the next 10 days or you might not get your order when everyone else does (or you won't ever get it if you don't fill it out). Contact us if you need to make changes to your email address or are having an issue.

2. About half of you will be charged for your BackerKit add-ons and shipping on June 30th (the other half have already paid through PayPal).

3. You still have a few more months to edit your shipping address, so no worries there.

4. Preordering will remain open until September.


Status of the Book and All Things Limithron

Digital Release Date: September, 19th - International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

With the rate we are moving at, and how international shipping and production is these days, I'm fairly certain we won't have printed copies in your hands by the end of September, but we are promising now that all of the digital content (final PDF, 5e Zine PDF, the Foundry modules, assets packs, Roll20 content, etc.) will be in your hands by 9/19/22. We'll probably send stuff out earlier so you can prep to RUN A GAME the 19th!


That being said, we did print 20 copies of the Beta PDF on Mixam (a digital on demand printer), and they are turned out really great. 

Test Prints of the Beta PDF

We used these to run games at Origins Game Fair last week and had a blast. All of our events sold out, and people seemed to really, really like playing Pirate Borg! I learned a few things from all that playtesting and have made a few tweaks to some mechanics in the book.

Also, we've officially crossed a quarter million dollars in crowd funding for this book, which is absolutely insane. This has pushed me to make it even better, and I've been working very, very hard on expanding sections I didn't originally mean to. We're looking at around 160 pages at the moment (don't worry, the cost won't go up). Here is some of the things I've been working on:

The Map of Black Coral Bay

This will be printed on A3 (4x the size of the book) and shrink wrapped with every copy of the book.

Black Coral Bay Printed A3 Map

Dark Caribbean Map

The Dark Caribbean Map (in the book and on the back of the printed map)

This will be in the book before a series of pages on the different factions and major ports of the setting, but it will also be on the back of the printed Black Coral Bay Map! My Patreon subscribers will have access to different color versions of this map, with and without labels,  with different grids, and even some "make your own map" PNG assets pulled from the art. 

Faction/Location Preview

British Empire and Port Royal Spread

I plan to have 6 or 7 of these 2 page spreads, and more than half are already completed. For those that don't know, these pages are just a sampling of my next big project The Dark Caribbean, which will be a setting book with all kind of ports, factions, NPCs, and plot hooks.

The Ship of the Dead Podcast

One final piece of news: my new podcast, The Ship of the Dead, will debut very soon. Here's the cover art. 

Ship of the Dead Podcast. Arriving in port very soon...

Limithron's Ship of the Dead is a tabletop roleplaying game podcast with a strong focus on pirate themed games, Dungeons & Dragons, and OSR/NSR games like Mörk Borg and Mothership. GM tips & tutorials, industry interviews, actual plays, and more. Hosted by battle map artist and Pirate Borg creator Luke Stratton (Limithron). Support at

PIRATE BORG Beta PDFs, Foundry System, and Live Stream on May 12th!
over 2 years ago – Tue, May 10, 2022 at 03:49:09 AM

Beta/Preview PDF Release Drops May 12th!

Batten down the hatches and top off your tankards: Pirate Borg is setting sail soon! The beta/preview PDF of the book will be delivered the morning of May 12th, and that evening we’ll be Live on Twitch. We’ll be showing off the PDF, answering questions, and discussing all things pirate. Also, the beta of the Pirate Borg Foundry VTT Game System will be live the same day, so get your remote group ready for action!

About the PDF

This first PDF is a BETA version. That means there will be typos to be fixed, mistakes, and missing content. Corrections, better art, and more content will be in the final, but it is a fully functional game and ready for you to start adventuring on day one.

This also means you'll have a chance to help playtest, provide feedback, catch mistakes, and point out all my flaws as an RPG designer so I can cry about them for weeks to come. Submit your playtest and feedback reports here:

After this beta phase, the book will go to Jarrett Crader at Exalted Funeral for a final editing and proofreading pass. Then off to the printer!

The beta PDF will be delivered via BackerKit. You must complete your survey before you can get your rewards. Go here if you have not yet completed your survey:

Note: the final PDF as well as all of the digital assets will be delivered via DriveThruRPG.

If you want to discuss the game and share your ideas with other pirate captains, check out our Discord Server, Facebook group, and  Subreddit.

Foundry System

Loner and Blair have been working very hard to get the Foundry game system ready for you guys way ahead of schedule and it’s really cool. The system will be installable via a link that we will share on the 12th (though the full release will be installable via the in-game browser).

A reminder that this system is free to all. You’ll be able to make characters, roll dice, and have naval combat fights out of the box. It won’t include the GM tables, art, NPCs, monsters, or ships stats. You’ll need to enter those on your own for now, or grab the Pirate Borg Foundry VTT add-on module in BackerKit, which will be released later this year.

Live Stream and Q&A

We will be live on Twitch on May 12th, 9pm EDT (6 pm PDT) to give you updates on how the project is going. We will follow it with a live Q&A with YOU! So have your questions ready and drop us a line in the chat. Don’t worry if you can't make it: we’ll post the video to YouTube afterwards.

Twitch channel:

Hungry for More?

Here’s a preview of the Arcane Rituals spread. This started as Vodou rituals, but I’ve expanded the scope to encompass the more Lovecraftian side of magic in the Dark Caribbean. I encourage you to re-flavor them as you see fit… and make some of your own!

Pledge Manager is Live! Pre-Order Store is Open!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Apr 24, 2022 at 10:00:57 PM

The Pledge Manager is now live!

Over the next few days, you should be receiving an email where you can add add-ons, confirm your shipping address, and answer a few questions. These emails will take some time as they go out in batches to make sure there aren't any issues with the Pledge Manager.

As mentioned previously, you'll have a month or so before we close the Pledge Manager, and then several  more months after that where you can update your address in case you move.

If you don't complete the pledge manager, we can't ship you your rewards!


The beta/preview PDF is coming early next month (May). It won't be the final PDF, but it will have over 130 pages of PIRATE BORG so you can start playing right away!

Late Pledges/Pre-Orders

You can share this link with anyone that didn't get onboard in time:

Sea Shanties

No pirate's journey is complete without signing a few sea shanties. In Pirate Borg, shanties can have a magical effect, and they work kind of like spells in other RPGs... but for ships and crews.  Here is a preview of the Shanty spread. These shanties are all based on real shanties from our Earth's history. You are encouraged to make your players learn them and sing them at the table.... or write their own! Here is a Spotify playlist of all the inspirations: