

Created by Limithron

A scurvy ridden, rules light, art heavy RPG based on Mörk Borg. Inspired by history, fantasy, horror, & rum.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

A New Adventure, Plus Shipping and Reprint Updates
over 1 year ago – Fri, Feb 03, 2023 at 12:34:12 PM


  • The first PIRATE BORG adventure is out on my Patreon, and is printing soon. 
  • Shipping Update (UK and EFTA have not yet shipped).
  • Some details on the reprint.

The Sinking of C'Thagn

I made an adventure with JVC Parry. Right now it's available to my Patreon subscribers, and we're printing it with a local printer this month. If you don't do Patreon you can buy it once it's printed. It will also be available digitally.

The adventure will be printed on an 8 panel, thick paper, A2 sized map (double the size of the Dark Caribbean map included with PIRATE BORG). The map is on the front and all the adventure panels are on the back. There will also be a Foundry VTT module.

This pamphlet style adventure is designed to be a springboard for all kinds of adventures in the recently risen Lovecraftian inspired city of C'thagn. Included in the panels are the following tables and sections:

  • 4 factions
  • d66 treasures
  • The Sunken Texts of The Wretched
  • Random location generator
  • d10 Sunken encounters
  • d10 Risen encounters
  • Great Old One generator
  • 12 points of interest
  • The Tartarian Temple location guide (designed in conjunction with the Eldritch Temple battle map pack)

But why are you making more stuff when I don't have my book yet?!?!

I finished the creative part of PIRATE BORG months and months ago, and it's time to start churning out new content for you all to play. I’m sorry you don’t have your books: I want you to have them and I promise they are coming!

UK and EFTA Shipping

UK (and EFTA) orders have still not shipped. Unfortunately, there is nothing I can do but wait and send them inquisitive emails.

Here is the info I got from them this morning:

The pallet of your stock to the UK is still in transit with the courier OnTour.  This should be expected at our warehouse imminently.

The UK backer data has been validated and analysed. Nothing else can happen until your stock is delivered and booked in.. At which point our warehouse team will undertake their own packing configuration tests based on the analysed data...

Until the stock is booked in timescales are difficult to estimate.

USA, EU, and the Rest of the World

All other orders have been dispatched or will be soon (as of this writing 38 EU orders are "in stock but not yet picked"). There is a queue of emails asking about their books and shipping. We are getting to those as soon as we can but please bear with us - things are crazy right now.

The Reprint

  • The reprint will NOT delay any KickStarter rewards or preorders. The reprint is for retail, not for you all.
  • We are not destroying any books.
  • In the future, if you purchase the book from Limithron LLC (at a convention, on our preorder store, or from our online shop when it goes live), you will get the 1st printing not the 2nd. Once we have stickers and the replacement card, they will be included with orders that ship from our warehouse.
  • We have secured a sensitivity reader and she has already completed her read through. We are making the final edits and submitting it to the printer next week.
  • We have not started making stickers and replacement cards yet, as we are focusing on the reprint first.
  • We have not processed any refund requests yet. They will be handled along with the sticker and replacement book requests.
  • If you see the book in retail, it means that retailer was a Kickstarter Backer just like you, and they probably got their order before you because their order was simpler. Fulfillment companies fulfill in order of complexity.
  • Thank you for all the support! Most of you have been VERY, VERY kind about this.
  • If you don't agree with the correction or the reprint, I understand.  I just ask that you trust we are making the decisions we feel are in the best interest of the game, our future, and our growing community's well being.

A Statement from Luke and Limithron LLC
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 12:04:20 PM

A Statement for Limithron LLC

It has come to my attention that one of the creatures in Pirate Borg is potentially triggering and can be interpreted as racist. Upon receiving and reviewing this news, I 100% agree and I am deeply sorry for any harm this may have caused and am frankly appalled that I didn’t realize it before going to print.

One of the zombies was titled “The Rope Monkey” as a riff on the historical term “Rigging Monkey” used to refer to sailors that climb masts. The art is of a dark skinned zombie with dreadlocks. Even as I type this, I can't believe that I didn't see this as triggering or inappropriate. When I drew that art I was actually trying to be MORE inclusive, but I messed up. I’d drawn a corpulent zombie, I had a female zombie, and I wanted to show that the setting is multicultural, so I edited my drawing of the crouched over male zombie to be someone of African descent. At no point during the creative process did the taboo monkey comparison nor the presence of the term “rope” cross my mind.

In order to take corrective action and address this issue, here is what we are going to do:

  • We are hiring a sensitivity reader to review the entire book.
  • We are changing the name of the zombie to “Deck Ghoul”.
  • We have started working on a 2nd printing. As such, the public release date is now delayed for several months.
  • New PDFs and digital assets will be sent to everyone after sensitivity reading is complete.
  • The Roll20, Foundry VTT, and Alchemy RPG modules will be updated as well.
  • We are printing “Deck Ghoul” text stickers and replacement playing cards. These will be available at conventions, on our website, and will ship with future orders. You can also request one for free here.
  • We will be offering free replacement copies of the 2nd printing of the book to anyone who wants one. We are humbly asking that you pay for shipping, and note that these copies will not ship for many more months. If you are interested, please fill out this form so we can gauge how many to print. Unfortunately, the Limited Edition will not be reprinted.

I’m honestly mortified and very upset that this was not seen and corrected before going to print. I want to affirm that we at Limithron are firmly anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-bigot, anti-homophobic, anti-transphobic, and do not want anyone to feel like they do not belong at our tables or playing our games. We declare so loudly and proudly on page 1 of the book. You’ll find that throughout Pirate Borg there are people of color in positions of power (like the Naval Mastermind) and it’s an honest oversight that I chose such a terrible name for that zombie and we will continue to work to provide a diverse and safe environment for all players.

If you would like a new book, a refund, or would like to request a free “Deck Ghoul” text replacement sticker and/or playing card, please fill out this form.

Feel free to email [email protected] or comment below with your comments and questions.

Please accept my sincerest apologies.

Luke Stratton | Limithron

A quick shipping update.
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 09:10:08 AM

I'm overwhelmed by the excitement you guys have for this project! Thank you so much!

Join us to talk about all things pirate on Discord, Reddit, and Facebook. If you use social media, sharing the book and your experiences playing is always appreciated. #pirateborg

I reworked last night. What do you think? More to come.

Preorder Store

Due to popular demand, and the nonsense with Wizards of the Coast and the Open Game License (OGL), we have reopened the preorder store.

All new orders will ship from the US warehouse. EU and UK orders might be expensive as we won't have the updated shipping table until we launch our online store on the public release day, which is 2/28/23.

A Quick Shipping Update

  • EU orders start shipping Monday. This includes orders with and without the playing cards.
  • The stock transfer from EU to UK is in progress. I have no idea why they are taking so long. They had everything needed from us weeks ago. FYI: The UK warehouse fulfills UK, Switzerland, and Iceland.
  • For the US and the rest of the world, the playing cards are in USA customs on the east coast. They should clear any day, and then shipping of the rest of the orders will begin.
  • If you didn't order cards and don't live in the UK, EU, Switzerland, or Iceland, you should either have your books or be able to see your tracking info in BackerKit.
  • 39 people still have not filled in their surveys. As such we don't have an address to ship to. 
  • 7 people had declined cards. This is very common for a project from almost a year ago. If you haven't heard anything, or you have a friend that is missing their stuff, email us at [email protected].

Thanks everyone!

Luke | Limithron

Shipping has begun! Also: OGL
over 1 year ago – Tue, Jan 10, 2023 at 11:24:14 AM

Shipping has begun! Also: OGL

 There is good news and some so-so news. I will try to be brief.


These orders are coming from GamesQuest EU in Germany. Everything is in the warehouse and ready to go, but they have been on break for 2 weeks, so the ramp up is slow. They should begin shipping everything soon, but I don't have more info beyond than that.

UK, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland 

These orders are coming from GamesQuest UK. All these orders are currently being transferred from the EU warehouse to the UK warehouse. They did not give me a timeline, but I'm hoping they will arrive in the next week or so.

USA and the Rest of the World

These orders are being fulfilled via Exalted Funeral & Flying Cloud. As of this writing, 910 orders have been shipped! That's about 25% of you. The so-so news is that our playing cards manufacturer dropped the ball and did not ship the cards before the holidays, and then took two weeks off. I say "so-so news" and not "bad news" because we are paying out of pocket to ship them via air instead of sea, and I've just received an email that they could arrive at the US warehouse as soon as 5 business days from now (instead of 60 days from now). TL;DR: If you bought playing cards you'll need to wait a bit longer, if you didn't get the cards you stuff is shipping or might have already shipped.


I'm sure some (or most) of you have heard about all the commotion with Wizards of the Cost and the Open Gaming License (OGL).  Two quick things:

1: If you want to support keeping D&D an open space so creators like me can keep making material for it, please check out to learn more and sign the petition.


2. PIRATE BORG, like Mörk Borg, was made with the Mörk Borg 3rd Party License. It does not do use the OGL. It is open. It is awesome. At Limithron, we have our own license for others to make stuff for Pirate Borg.  We really hope a 3rd Pirate Borg scene materializes, as we'd love to collect the best ideas and publish them in a zine similar to how Mörk Borg Cult used to (Pirate Borg Crew, anyone?)

We also allow any of our active patrons to use almost any of the maps I've made in their commercial products. This a great time to get your friends to try out another system, or, if you are content creator, to try making content for another game!

Oh hey, your still here! I'm proud of you for making it this far! There are so many things to read these days. Maybe you also read my last email? You deserve a gold doubloon. I've hidden one, and the clues to find it are in buried in this update. Not really, but that would be awesome. If you are still here, comment below with an adventure hook, plot device, relic, ritual, treasure, NPC, or monster idea you have for Pirate Borg. That way these comment sections might actually be fun to read...

Last chance to change your shipping address!
almost 2 years ago – Mon, Jan 02, 2023 at 02:10:48 PM

Happy New Year everyone!

A quick shipping update: we are preparing the Kickstarter for shipment and we will be locking addresses NEXT MONDAY, January 9th. Please log in to BackerKit and update your address if you have moved!

Also, there are a few of you that haven't completed surveys. We can not ship to you unless you fill out the survey and give us your address. This is often due to a weird email issue with people that use their Apple ID for Kickstarter, so there is a good chance you aren't even getting this message... but if you know someone that backed the project and hasn't heard from us please tell them about this update!

PIRATE BORG Pledge Manager

We will also be turning off the BackerKit Preorder store next week, so if you know anyone that wants to get a copy before it goes to retail, let them know to order ASAP. I believe Free League Publishing will be doing a preorder as well, and we will have a webstore up soon, but there will be a lull this winter where you can't buy the book.

Also, I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you for helping make this thing happen. I can't wait to see you guys get your books and start playing the game! They turned out better than I could have hoped!

Luke | Limithron